Sunday, March 6, 2011

The One With An Eye Update

Sheesh! The past 5 weeks have been a whirlwind.

We've basically had someone sick (or having an allergic reaction) the whole time, minus the 2 most important dates in those 5 weeks - Paige's 1st procedure & Paige's 1st birthday party! I can't believe how lucky we got that we were all healthy for those two important events.

I was able to take Paige to her followup appointment with Dr. Hoffman at Primary Children's this past week, and we scheduled procedure number two for the end of April. This one is a surgery on the muscles behind her eyes. They are too tight and the doctor will reattach them so they will be looser. Poor girl, I have been reading the papers they gave me and to be honest, I think it will be hard a hard one for all of us. The first procedure didn't work as well as we had hoped, but the doctor said they can give it a whirl again during this upcoming surgery. I'm so glad that we have Dr. Hoffman. He's been so great, and he really knows his stuff.

Paige has been getting more and more fun every day. She's learning things like, what a duck says, where her head is, where the light is, and a few other things. I love this age. She's been so much fun.

1 comment:

mailnat said...

Poor Paige! And mommy and daddy too!