Last week I made a top ten list of reasons why Rick is the coolest husband ever. It was fun to make and fun to tell him my reasons (I didn't post it... Rick's too modest of a guy).
So, I thought to celebrate this season, I'd make a top ten list of things I am grateful for in my life. It will be very hard for me to narrow everything down, because Rick and I have felt so very blessed since we have been married.
I'll try not to be too cheesy . . . :)
10. Chocolate, cheesecake, hot chocolate on a cold day, and anything sweet!!
9. My job, Rick's 2 jobs & the opportunity for Rick to get his Masters Degree.
8. Modern medicine and technology, so I could see my baby on an ultrasound & so I can know that she and I are in good hands.
7. Good friends, past and present. I have learned over the past few years, to appreciate more my friends and how much they do for me.
6. Place to live . . . in a safe area that is close to family that also has a tub & carpet for the baby & her own room!
5. A fun husband that I really enjoy just hanging out with.
4. The church, the spirit to guide us & my growing testimony.
3. Wonderful, loving & supportive families on both my side and Rick's side.
2. Great parents who have taught me well, provided me with what I needed, I consider my best friends, and who I look up to more than anyone.
And the number
one thing I am
thankful for is . . .
1. I have an amazing husband that works so much harder than I ever imagined anyone working, day in and day out,
without ever complaining once. Even then, he still comes home with a big smile on his face and gives me the attention I need. He truly puts my needs in front of his. Words cannot express my appreciation I have for him.
happy thanksgiving!!