Monday, December 1, 2008

The One With The Up And Coming Photographers

Nothing really new today. Thanksgiving was fun, we had a few and ate lots of good grub. It was good to see lots of family.
Tonight we had my brother's family over for dinner for my sister-in-law's birthday dinner. Some of the boys discovered something new they liked to do - take pictures! I'll post a few since they will be the next famous photographers.


Mindy said...

Cute picture of you with Stock!

Michelle said...

Thanks! I liked it too, so I put it as my facebook profile pic!

Mindy said...

That sounds like it must have been lots of fun! -MaKenna

Anonymous said...

I found your blog while I was online blog hopping hope it's okay. I love the last picture that is a keeper!

Michelle said...

Of course it's okay! I found yours too! :)