Well, the last one I was working on, and am planning on doing anyway. :)
I still have 3 weeks left until the supposed "D Day", so we'll see what my mind comes up with to keep me busy until then. Although, if I could just kick all of these sinus infections & bronchitis, it sure would help me to have more energy to do more. I hope you aren't sick of reading about her room... :) If so... sorry!!
So, without further adieu... the last, and possibly my favorite part of her room!
Can you tell what it is??
I got the idea from this blog that I LOVE!
I ended up getting the backs from DI (hence why they are all a little different... I didn't have $50 bucks to buy the ones I wanted from Roberts or Michael's so I ended up spending probably $2.00/back), sanded & Painted them. Then, I modge podged the scrapbook paper that I loved (and used on the blocks), then just hot glued the letters & some tulle to the top, and walah! I couldn't decide for days what I should use to hang them with, but one night, as I couldn't sleep, it just came to me... tulle! I was a bit nervous that it wouldn't hold, but lucky for me it seems to be plenty strong enough. I am happy with how they turned out. Her room has been a bit of a labor of love for me.
I guess her name is official now!! :)
You've done awesome! You should come be my decorator. :)
That's really cute... but it is a bit sad that you just finished the last project.
That is absolutely adorable. I love her room.
yours is cuter than the idea you found on the other blog.
soooooooooooo cute.
really i love it.
Thanks guys! You are all so sweet!
So cute! I love baby rooms.
I LOVE IT! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!! I'm totally swiping your idea and doing it for my nursery!!!! I love that you are making so many things for the nursery - your so crafty - & I think it really personalizes it and makes it more special!!
Thanks for the craft - I'm toooo excited to do it....and I like that they are different shapes!
Your letters look really cute! I was wondering, how tall are the actual white wooden letters? Where did you find them? Thanks :)
Thanks, Lori! I found the letters at Walmart (the cheapest I could find them at the time) and they are about 8-12" in height. Sorry, my daughter is sleeping now, so I can't double check, but they are between that range.
Thank you Michelle. Also, what is DL? Or DI (wherever you said you bought the backing shapes).
Oh yeah, the DI is basically the local thrift store, similar to Salvation Army. There were several plaques to pick from, some just needed sanding & of course painted.
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