Monday, November 8, 2010

The One Where I've Been Featured & A Little Craft

I've been featured!! Check out A Little Tipsy to see my blog post. She's having a baby, and wanted to have guests all week for a baby themed week. She asked me to post some of my nursery crafts.

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I was blog hopping as I often do and I ran across this idea for a gift for your spouse.

Have any of you ever been in a date slump? Maybe even when you have a kid or two, and it's harder to get out as often?

Or maybe it's just us...

As soon as Paige goes down for the night we cuddle on the couch and catch up on tv. Although, I love that it's something relaxing, usually entertaining, and something we can do together, it's just that... well... it kind of gets old sometimes and even though we are technically together, we aren't really spending the most quality time together.

So... I decided to make my own version! (surprised?)

I made an envelope out of card stock and put my ideas in, along with a note to Rick. I gave it to him as part of an early Christmas present.

I put ideas like: a trip to our favorite frozen yogurt shop (something we can and often do with Paige), cuddling on the couch while we look at his baby pictures (I've been wanting to see them again now that we have Paige), and other ideas. Some take more planning than others, so we might have to plan ahead first.

What are some of your favorite date night ideas?

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