Monday, December 31, 2012

The One With Our 2012 Year End Review

In no particular order, here are our biggest moments of 2012:

Baby Z was born

Paige has been talking more & got her b and p sounds back!

We were able to spend lots of time with family, extended & immediate.

I learned how to balance my time better so I could focus more on what is most important.

Daddy got a new car (we seem to go through cars too quickly for my liking...)

We moved into a house & have loved it!

We grew a pretty fantastic garden this year, if you ask me...

Paige was potty trained!

Paige grew lots of hair

Rick & I celebrated being together for 5 years

Rick started his website, writing LDS articles & working on a book

I tried to think of 12 moments of 2012, but could only think of 11!

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