We've I've been kind of bored this week, so
we I decided to pull out the camera (surprised?).
I took her for her 9 month checkup and she's still 90th% in height (I know, you're surprised again), and her poor little head is still in the bottom 5th%. At least she's consistent.
I tried to get a cute picture of our
Apple Bottom cheap skinny jeans and boots with the fur, but it's really hard to get the picture you want with a timer. This was the best try.

Our washer and dryer are in our kitchen. I know, it's kind of odd. I needed to do some laundry though, so I pulled out a bowl and a spoon, showed her how to make fun noises, and off she went. She had a blast. We'll have to pull them out again.

One of Rick's cousins has been so nice to let us borrow some of her daughter's cute clothes. We decided to play dress up and she was lookin too cute not to take a few pictures.

If you see a lot of my pictures (on blogger or fb) you'll see a few pictures where her mouth has a vertical line in it. Don't be alarmed, it's just her tongue (well actually it's her
frenulum (say:
fren-yuh-lum) just in case you were wondering) touching the roof of her mouth. She likes to click her tongue and sometimes just smile like this without clicking...

I have no idea if this is normal or not, but she is still super flexible and likes to do this...

She does it the most in the tub for some reason, so I have some pictures of that, but I figured 15 year old Paige wouldn't appreciate her awesome mom putting nekked baby pictures on the internet for anyone and everyone to see. :)