Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The One With The Evolution Of My Belly

10 Weeks14 Weeks

15 Weeks

16 Weeks

17 Weeks

18 Weeks

19 Weeks

23 Weeks

16 Weeks

29 Weeks

32 Weeks

36 Weeks

38 Weeks

Almost there!! I CANNOT believe how fast time has flown! I had a doc appointment yesterday, and I am dilated to a 3, and 60 percent effaced... I guess we'll have to wait and see if that really means anything for me. :) But my midwife was very pleasantly surprised with those numbers, so that made me happy. I have had almost non-stop contractions since yesterday too, but not the real ones. They aren't as painful as I am sure the real ones will be, but they still aren't the most comfortable... I am planning on them lasting for weeks, but lets hope I don't have to deal with them too much longer. :)

My sisters threw me a shower last weekend. It was fun to see everyone, and everybody was so generous! Thanks so much, we really, really appreciate it! This is what her room looks like now... I am still trying to organize everything.

I made a list of things to do before the baby comes, and it's about a mile long (including organizing her room), so wish me luck on getting everything done!! At least I have plenty to do to keep my mind busy.


Ryan & Michelle said...

Good Luck with everything!! I'm excited to hear how it goes (interested too - this time you're ahead of me!!)

Carlye said...

I love the evolution pictures (although your pregnancy brain is kicking in and you put 16 instead of 26....). I want to come see her nursery soon. We should go to lunch next week.

DeRosa080208 said...

Good luck girly! Let me know if you need help, I'm home all week. Love ya lady!

Woodward Family said...

Congrats on that new little baby of yours!! She's adorable! Can't wait to see more pictures!!