Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The One With Today's Grateful Post: Day 22

Yesterday, I was at Target (shocker, I know).  I overheard a lady on her cell talking about how someone had just stolen her wallet.  I was super protective of my wallet from then on.  But today I couldn't find my wallet.  I searched everywhere.  I said a prayer and thought I should call Target.  They had it.  I swear that I saw my wallet in my purse as I was putting it in my car, but I must be crazy.  I must have left it in the cart.

So today, I am grateful for that honest person who returned it.  I'm grateful that I found it, and especially that everything was still in it (maybe they saw my temple recommend and felt bad... haha).  I'm grateful that there are good people out there who do the right thing when we need them to.

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