Friday, November 4, 2011

The One With Today's Grateful Post: Day 4

Lately, Rick and I have been reading The Miracle Of Forgiveness together.  Although we aren't very far at all, I have learned a lot.  I have also felt closer to my Heavenly Father by reading this book.  I don't like to get very churchy on my blog, but this was the only thing that fit when I decided what to blog about today.  I have thought about it all day (don't get me wrong, I am a very grateful person), and just now at almost 10:00pm I finally decided on something that I really felt grateful about today & that I could write more than a couple sentences about.

Today I am grateful for; good books, our ability to continually learn, and for good music that makes me feel at peace.  I'm grateful for the chance to still come to know our Heavenly Father, even though we cannot see him.  I'm grateful that we are always able to keep trying to become better people, no matter what your religious preferences are.  I'm grateful for forgiveness & repentance & the plan of happiness.  I'm grateful that I know that God loves & cares about me.

Sorry, I'll try to post more grateful posts with pictures.  They are the most fun.  

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